
In The land of U Hynniewtrep (The Promising of Rivival)

Introduction : In the beginning, the Khasi people said they inherited the earth from U Hynniewtrep (Seven huts or a seven clans) by stepping down through a Golden Staircase which connected Heavenly Kingdom and the Earth with it centered at U Lum Sohpetbneng (Lum/Hill; Sohpet/Umbilical or navel cord; bneng/heaven) located at Ribhoi District nearby Umniam Lake at a distance of 18 km from State Capital Shillong. The Khasi State or the Land of U Hynniewtrep were the last State submitted to the thrown of British Empire through the captured by the East India Company during the  First Anglo-Burmese War (1824 to 1826).  The Khasis or U Hynniewtrep has wages many wars with the plain during the  Mughal Empire in India with leading General Commander Mir Jhumla-II against the The Ahom king of Assam who later died buried at Garo Hills cannot even stands against U Hynniewtrep because of their heroic, cunning and tactic in war combat and of their own difference ter...

WAR SYNTEIN (Mawsynram): beyond future of self employed (the best craft inter-sellers) by Shemphang Rapthap

An approach road to Syntein       W ar Syntein area lies in far deepest valley of Mawsynram village toward south west direction. War syntein consist of five small village ,viz. Mawkaphan, Domskong, Jympiat, Kenbah and Ken Mynsaw village .  the villages of Syntein, surrounded by treacherous and difficult terrain. No roads survive the onslaught of water, agriculture is difficult, and the non-stop rains encourage a multitude of insect life and disease. Life is pretty dismal.  Footpath under MGNREGA Scheme Hangover bridge to Syntein The people of the village were forest gatherers, they work on pineapple, jack fruit, papaya and orange plantations. they also collect broomsticks, herbs and spices from the surrounding forests. During the monsoons, they cooped up inside their homes with the tin roofs resounding to the incessant beat of the falling rain, women and young girls spend their time weaving baskets with locally available ...


Maw phlang M awphlang located about 25 Km due Southwest from Shillong State Capital city. It is famous because of the sacred forest which is known as " Ka Law Lyngdoh Mawphlang ''. It named after the Lyngdoh Mawphlang clan , the ruler clan of Ka Hima ( Kingdom). The forest itself covered 76 hectres aproximately.     This sacret forest provide shelters for many speices of flora and founa. Its also give protection for the whole village and even for oneself from any harm or danger come what may.          The Forest is also known by different names such as:  Ki Law Adong (prohibited forest), Ki Law Shnong (village forest) and Ki Law Kynti (private forest).  Orchid flowers being planted by Mrs. H. Kharsahnoh on her garden.                    ...