
Showing posts from 2020

In The land of U Hynniewtrep (The Promising of Rivival)

Introduction : In the beginning, the Khasi people said they inherited the earth from U Hynniewtrep (Seven huts or a seven clans) by stepping down through a Golden Staircase which connected Heavenly Kingdom and the Earth with it centered at U Lum Sohpetbneng (Lum/Hill; Sohpet/Umbilical or navel cord; bneng/heaven) located at Ribhoi District nearby Umniam Lake at a distance of 18 km from State Capital Shillong. The Khasi State or the Land of U Hynniewtrep were the last State submitted to the thrown of British Empire through the captured by the East India Company during the  First Anglo-Burmese War (1824 to 1826).  The Khasis or U Hynniewtrep has wages many wars with the plain during the  Mughal Empire in India with leading General Commander Mir Jhumla-II against the The Ahom king of Assam who later died buried at Garo Hills cannot even stands against U Hynniewtrep because of their heroic, cunning and tactic in war combat and of their own difference ter...